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Exploring ISO 27001 Certification and Exciting News for Rachis

ISO 27001:2022 is an integral part of the larger family of standards known as ISO/IEC 27000, which is dedicated to information security management systems (ISMS). These standards provide a framework for organisations to manage the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details, or information entrusted by third parties.

What is ISO 27001:2022?

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an ISMS. The standard itself encompasses a process-based approach for establishing, operating, reviewing, maintaining, and improving your ISMS. This version, updated in 2022, includes modifications that reflect changes in data security and technology advancements since the previous iteration.

Implementing ISO 27001:2022

Implementing ISO 27001 involves several key steps:

-Establishing ISMS: Define the scope and objectives, security policy, and procedures tailored to the organisation.

-Assessment of Risks: Identify potential risks to the information security and analyse their impact and likelihood.

-Management of Risks: Opt for mitigating, avoiding, transferring, or accepting risks and apply the corresponding security controls.

-Performance Evaluation: Regularly review the performance of the ISMS, including internal audits and management reviews.

-Continual Improvement: Address non-conformities and take corrective actions, refining processes and updating the system as necessary.

How to Get Certified

To obtain ISO 27001 certification, an organisation must follow these general steps:

-Preliminary Review: Understand the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard and assess the current ISMS.

-Gap Analysis: Identify the gaps between current management practices and the ISO 27001 requirements.

-Implementation: Implement the necessary controls and processes to fill these gaps.

-Internal Audit: Conduct an internal audit to ensure that the processes comply with ISO standards and the organisation’s requirements.

-Certification Audit: A certification body performs the audit. If compliant, the organisation receives certification.

-Surveillance Audits: Regular audits are necessary to maintain certification, ensuring ongoing compliance.

Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification

-Enhanced Security: It provides a robust approach to managing information security and reducing potential risks.

-Increased Credibility: Certification can enhance an organisation's reputation, showing stakeholders that a recognised standard governs its security practices.

-Compliance: It helps in meeting legal and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.

-Business Efficiency: Encourages internal organisation by defining clear procedures and responsibilities.

-Competitive Advantage: Can provide an edge over competitors in contract procurement and customer trust.


For any organisation, implementing ISO 27001:2022 is not just about protecting systems and data from cyber threats; it’s about managing processes, technology, and people effectively. By adopting ISO 27001, organisations can assure stakeholders of their commitment to best practices in information security, thereby safeguarding their business’s future and establishing a foundation of trust.

Big News: We're thrilled to announce that Rachis Technology has now also achieved ISO 27001 certification! This milestone enhances our commitment to the highest standards of cybersecurity, offering even stronger protection for our clients and partners.